2020 has been one of the most challenging years on record. The world has been forced to slow down and re-evaluate. Our homes became our refuge.
In amongst this new found “home life”, many mums and dads had to find new ways to juggle essential work with home-schooling, childcare and keeping healthy. Being an essential worker is a huge responsibility. You have to quickly educate yourself on infection control, health guidelines and personal protective equipment. You have to keep yourself safe at all times, but also ensure you are protecting others too. You have to connect with families but also remain entirely distant. You have to manage behaviours of others who aren’t as accepting of social responsibility. It’s tough and it goes against everything we as humans are.
At Pet Rest, we were deemed essential workers and didn’t close at all throughout 2020. We quickly sought PPE equipment and drew up Covid safe plans to ensure all the families and clinics we visit were safe. As a family with an immune-compromised member, the health and safety of our team and community is paramount. All of our team are also mums, dads and grandparents so you can imagine the juggling that was happening in our home lives! However we are close and we support one another always. On the Sunshine Coast, we were so lucky. We were limited in Covid cases and the community was readily accepting of social distancing. We cannot forget however, the devastating loss that parts of Australia and the world have experienced. It is unfathomable. Our hearts go out to all of those families and those still experiencing situations we just can’t begin to imagine.
Through the utter tragedy, despair and heartbreaking loss – there is light. The responsibility of maintaining isolation highlighted our need to connect- with ourselves, each other, nature and our history. Grandparents across the world suddenly started receiving hand drawn letters from their grandchildren, friends checked in on those they haven’t seen for years, veggie patches sprung up everywhere, people attempted baking sour-dough, craft became a daily activity, video messaging and meetings became normal, people started studying, companies saw the value in working from home, creativity on the internet skyrocketed, families sought refuge with each other, socially distant catch ups through fences, windows, cars became highlights; people slowed down. The education in compassion, social responsibility and value of human life we have received this year is precious.
Although our experience with Covid is far from over, it does feel that we are all starting to get back to a new normal. The warm summer air feels like a significant turning point. While we must all remain vigilant with our hand washing and staying home when sick, it does seem that the end of year ‘magic’ will allow us to enjoy the holidays together and in the sunshine.
If you are feeling overwhelmed or in need of support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 . You matter. There is always someone to help you out if you need it.