Naming rights have always been greatly coveted and selecting the appropriate moniker for our pets is no exception! For some people, they have a name selected months before they even adopt their pet. Others are happy to settle with the name they come with. However most families meet their new addition and choose!
Pop-culture greatly influences name choices, for both people and pets. Without a doubt there are lots of Elsa’s & Ana’s, Moana’s, Dory’s and Grue’s, Peppa’s, Bluey and Bingo’s ect ect in the community. As we care for pets at the end of their journey, we often have Buzz, Woody, Nemo, Simba & Nala and Ariel- to name a few.
Of course our sporting heroes get a look in too, with Cronk, Dusty, Wally, Judd ect featuring heavily!
And then there are the tried and tested names- the popular choices if you will. Bella, Coco, Sasha, Ellie, Fifi, Roxy and Chloe are some of the regular names that we see for girl pets. While, Bear, Bundy, Rex, Frankie, Max , Turbo and Buddy are used for the boys.
Having said this, we have heard of some truly unique names and fascinating back stories to match! Some of the distinctive favourites of ours are:
Cashew – so cute!! She was a beige Burmese which suited her perfectly
CHOCpoint Charlie- This is one of my all time favourites- This owner had served in the war and had visited Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin. Charlie was a choc point Siamese and he thought it was just the perfect name for her!
Tuppence “Tuppy” – The wonderful owner also had ‘Penny’
Tina Turner the red headed rockstar! – Yep that was her name! We adorned her urn with rhinestones to match her personality!
Salt and Peppa- this combo has featured a couple of times and is just so adorable!
So all of this deep consideration goes into naming our pets (or kids!) and then what do we call them? Nicknames! We tend to only use ‘actual’ names for when they are in trouble! What is your pets name and why?